Search Writing on Sunshine...

27 February 2007

do you know what?

Overheard a funny conversation between Jaevin and his friends, Dakota and Marcus, this morning as they were getting ready for the bus.
"Do you know what?"
This is Jaevin's intro to any topic that interests him and he finds extremely exciting. Which means he says it a lot. He doesn't wait for the other person to actually answer him, but he says it quickly and then goes into his profound thought.
"Do you know what? I saw the old Toronto Maple Leafs play hockey, and guess what? They were still alive!" Jaevin said.
He went to see an Old Timer hockey game with his dad last weekend. He was a bit disappointed that he wasn't going to see Mats Sundin, but he still had a lot of fun.
"Well, my mom was alive in 1991!" Dakota said to impressed oooohhhhs and aaaahhhhs from Jaevin and Marcus. "She was born in 1980 and I was born in 2000."
"I was born in 2000 too" Jaevin said importantly.
"You were born in 2002?" Marcus said incredulously.
"No, I said I was born in 2000.....t00"Jaevin explained.

There are so many moments like this when you have children- I wish I could remember it all or had enough time to write it all down.

It was another peaceful moment as I watched them go down to the bus stop this morning. Not as profound as yesterday, but still nice.

It was snowing, but it was not soft and clumpy again. It sounded like rain drops falling on my coat. The packing snow has now all hardened into crunchy snow. I wish I had made a snowman with Jaevin yesterday. The weather was perfect- there are only certain times that the weather is perfect for snowman making. He wanted to go tobogganing with Darren instead. It would have been nice to wake up to a snow friend this morning.

Maybe I should have made my own snow buddy?

I was a bit sad as the bus passed me. I was thinking about how Summer will never ride on a bus because the school board is taken all the routes away. I wondered if a school bus would feel like an extinct animal to her- something she never knew. I won't have her "first day of school" picture at the bus stop or have her look out the window and wave to me or have her run off the bus after school shouting, "MOMMY!"

She is so excited when I say, "It's time to go to the bus stop!" She grabs her boots and points to them, "guhhh...." translation: put these on Mommy. She gets a big smile on her face as we go out the door. She associates bus time with her big brother and Daddy coming home. Summer loves them so much.

Witnessing the complete devotion that her and Jaevin have for one another is one of the truly remarkable experiences I have had as a parent.

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