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14 February 2008

Don't Stop

Today is Valentine's Day, and the radio stations are playing plenty of love songs. It was very cool because they just mentioned my
article on the radio...but let me get back on track.
The song Don't Stop by Journey just played- which is, of course, the song that was played during the last few minutes of the Sopranos finale. I didn't have any memories connected to the song before the finale, but now when I hear those first notes and he starts singing about a "hometown girl" I have to honestly keep myself from starting to weep.
At first I suppose it was that the song will now be connected with the ending of the Sopranos forever. I think about the show and how bummed out I am that it is over and how the characters will be stuck in that limbo (unless David Chase decides to do a movie-please!)
But then I start thinking about the ending of many things in life and my emotions become much stronger.
Yes, my first instinct is going to remember Tony Soprano sitting at the diner with Carmela and AJ- and of course Meadow's totally frustrating attempt at parallel parking.
But it goes beyond that. David Chase chose the song perfectly. Imean, can it get more cryptic than 'Don't Stop'? We all wanted the show to go on- but it had to end. It was time.
Just like other things in life that have to end. We all want high school to go on- but it has to end. Who can't remember that painful last moment before you say goodbye to childhood and have no other choice than to grow up?
There are certain moments in life that warrant the song 'Don't Stop' to be played as a background.
When a group that you have belonged to for what seems like eternity must be disbanded such as high school or a great family reunion or, as David Chase knows- a television show that has become a part of our lives-the feeling is similiar to the one of the last moments of a funeral when you realize that it is truly over.
So it doesn't matter where I am- even in a crowded mall- when I hear 'Don't Stop' begin I am going to have to give myself a moment.
A moment to remember the ending of one of my favourite television shows and
a few more to remember the ending of a lot of great episodes of
my own life.
And this feeling will never stop.

1 comment:

Joannie said...

Enjoyed reading your latest writing. Love Aunt Joan